Saturday, 4 July 2009

The Invisible Thugs

Another one of my crazy dreams:-)

Four or five guys are being followed. Whether they are good or bad, I have no idea. They are in a car and going at top speed. Then suddenly they come across a garage or something. They speed inside and pull down the shutter. Then comes the interesting part!

One of the guys has an impressive power- to make anything invisible, including himself. Hmm... starting to sound like an X-men movie, huh?? Anyways, he makes all of them invisible. Another guy suddenly appears and drives away in the car. (Maybe for a false trail??)

And so they wait.

Soon the pursuers make their entry. They know that they are hiding inside and that they are invisible. So they start searching (like trying to walk in a dark room with arms stretched out). Now I feel that I am one of those invisible and that someone is just close enough to catch me!! So frightening!

And I wake up:-) End of story! Interesting?? :-)


Destiny's child... said...

Extremely interesting...You are really delivering the standards expected of your bizarre dreams...keep dreaming! :D

Novice Writer said...

Thank you dear!! I will try my best;-)